Welcome to Episode 96 of Good Will Hunters from the Development Policy Centre.
Before we begin, an announcement. Devpol’s 10th anniversary partnership with Good Will Hunters comes to an end this week. We’re grateful for the crucial support provided by The Development Policy Centre this year, which has enabled us to bring you weekly episodes.
Today on the show I’m speaking to Arieta Rika who is the host of a new podcast titled Vosa, produced by Good Will Media and proudly supported by The World Bank. The series looks at the big ideas and challenges that are facing the Pacific and PNG.
Arieta has over 10 years experience in social impact and non-profit communications across Australia and the Pacific as a writer, cultural advisor, Pacific storyteller, and the Founder of Talanoa, a digital space for Pacific people to share their stories. She also works at Good Will Media, with Rachel.
Enjoy the episode,
The GWH Team